Dab Pumps is a leading company in the production of pumps and circulators for thermo-sanitary heating systems.
Dab produces circulators and pumps for boilers, essential devices for the correct functioning of the heating system. Pumps and circulators have the function of pushing the water inside the heating circuit (radiators) or hot water (towards the taps).
Choose from our range of wet rotor circulators or submersible pumps and you will find the most suitable components for your system configuration.
You can use a circulator for forced circulation systems where the water is circulated by the heat generator (generally a boiler) towards the terminals (radiators). A Dab electric pump is able to lift the fluid and make it flow inside the desired circuit.
Choose the most suitable boiler circulator for your system from the Dab range and you will obtain maximum efficiency from your heating and domestic hot water production system.